Fast Approaching Filament Prototype Launch!
For the past year and change we have been working on a new idea that could redefine STEM education and we are extremely excited to...

A Major Milestone in Space Exploration
Since I am so inspired by space and love learning and following our progress exploring the last frontier, I wanted to write a quick post...

Physical vs. Human-Made Features
In third grade, the students learn the difference between physical features and human-made features. Learning begins with just looking at...

Science Friday Educator Collaborative
I am writing a quick post about a program I just came across during my weekly listen to the Science Friday podcast (also broadcast on NPR...

Disappearing Water?!
When my students leave school on the Friday afternoon of the very first week, I want each child to want to return to school on Monday. I...

A Great Site for Space Information
Just to follow up the post The New Space Race, I wanted to write a post about my favorite space related web resource. As I mentioned...

The New Space Race
As I have mentioned in previous posts, NASA and space related education truly inspired me to become an engineer. I wanted to be part of...

Learning About Forces and Motion with Ramps
I always look forward to the beginning of the school year and laying the foundation for science for the rest of the year. One of the...