A Deeper Look at Edjro

It is always hard to figure out what to put in a paragraph or two in your 'About' section on the main page. There is always so much you want to say but you can't write it all there. Instead of having an enormous and cluttered About page, we decided to explain more about Edjro through the blog! If you want to know more about us personally, check out Our First Post!
Several people have already asked us how we came up with the name...it was quite simple actually! It is derived from Education, Jason and Rosanna Ortiz and was inspired mostly by our friends who love to refer to use as ‘JRO’. We both have a great passion for education and have been putting a lot of effort into creating a fantastic learning environment in Rosanna's classroom. After she started posting some of her ideas and lessons to our store on TeachersPayTeachers Rosanna thought we should be sharing our ideas with as many educators as possible (who are interested of course). Thus, we decided to start this blog and came up with the name for it!
Our goal with Edjro is to provide as much as we can for free or for very low cost while developing some of our longer term products. Rosanna has all the ideas for improvements in lessons and in the classroom and I have the technical knowledge to bring a lot of them to life! Over time we will continue to build up everything we offer on this site as well as in our TeachersPayTeachers store.
We are not inventing anything particularly new but we are coupling all of our ideas and technology with lesson plans and matching it up to common core and state standards. Our hope is to enable educators to take our ideas and use or adapt them for their own classrooms! Essentially, we want to lower the barrier to using cool technology in the learning environment as well as create resources that would be traditionally difficult to find anywhere else!
If you have any ideas or want to contribute to this we welcome it! Feel free to use the contact form on the About Us page! We will likely accept guest posts and content once we get everything setup as well! Please just keep in mind both Rosanna and I have full time day jobs and are only moonlighting to make Edjro happen at this point. If we are a bit slow to respond or post something, it is not that we are uninterested, but more likely that we are trying to put more hours in the day. :)
If you are still reading this, thank you for your sincere interest in Edjro! We have a vision that this effort can continue to grow organically and eventually help thousands of educators. Together we can educate, innovate, and inspire!